Alcohol & Entertainment

Assistance for premises licence holders and those wishing to enter
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High quality services for new & existing premises licence holders

At MRT Licensing Services we are here to help you get through the application process and present you with a premises licence that includes fair and reasonable conditions.

Not only do they provide a high level of public protection for your customers, but will also provide you with a better chance of maximising your ability to have a successful business with the continued support of MRT Licensing Services.

Choose from the below for a summary of the services we can provide for you.
Advice and assistance with applications.
Advice & Support
A 12-month subscription support service for premises owners.
In–house training for staff involved in the sale of alcohol.


This service provides help and assistance with applications listed below.
Premise licence application services:
  • Advice and assistance with completing the application form and associated documents
  • Advice on appropriate measures to promote the licensing objectives considering the type and style of the business and its location
  • Consultation and negotiation with the local licensing authority, police, environmental health and others prior to and during the application process
  • Advice on drawing a layout plan
  • Advice on nominating the designated premises supervisor where alcohol is to be sold
  • Assistance with completing the statutory public notice and its advertisement
  • On-site visits to ensure proposals are proportionate with plan and operating schedule
  • Representation at local authority hearing to determine the application if there are objections
  • Mediation with objectors prior to a hearing
Varying premises licence services:
  • Amending the licence conditions, activities provided or times licensable activities are provided
  • Replacing the designated premises supervisor
  • Amending the layout of the premises
  • Changing personal details of the premises licence holder and/or the designated premises supervisor
Transferring a premises licence services:
  • Changing the premises licence holder
Temporary event notice services:
  • For existing premises licence holders to amend their licence conditions, activities provided or times of licensable activities for a temporary period
  • For unlicensed premises who wish to provide a licensable activity for a temporary period
Personal licence services:
  • Advice and assistance with applications for a personal licence to authorise a person to sell alcohol

Advice & Support

This is a 12-month subscription service for:

Advice on the law, local policies and licence conditions relating to the Licensing Act 2003
Liaison with the LA, Police, and other Responsible Authorities on your behalf
Annual review of policies, including on-site inspection and findings report
Minimum of two briefing meetings per annum
20% discount on fees for applications/temporary event notices
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This service provides expert in–house training for staff involved in the sale of alcohol, and late night refreshment.

Regular staff training is required by the majority of premises licenses under the Licensing Act 2003. Failure to do so could lead to you being penalised and having to appear in Court.

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I would recommend Michael’s services without hesitation to anyone involved in the hospitality sector, his service represents excellent value for money, but most importantly peace of mind within a sector that can at times seem a legal minefield.

Free consultation