Temporary Event Notice

Help with processing & submitting a TEN
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Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

Are you unlicensed and want to hold a licensable event? Or are you looking for additional hours on a late night event? We can help with the process and submitting of a TEN, which is required by the Council.

Are you holding an event that requires a TEN?

A Temporary Event Notice allows for an event of up to 7 consecutive days for less than 500 people and allows for the sale of alcohol, provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshments.

Make an enquiry

Obtaining a TEN is not straight forward, so you may need our help.

We can discuss the event with the responsible authorities and once you are entirely satisfied, we will submit the application on your behalf, and deal with any issues that may arise.

Premises Licence Holders
A TEN is useful for operators who wish to provide their authorised activities, for longer than their premises licence allows.
Non-Premises Licence Holders
A TEN is useful for a premises that does not normally provide for the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment or late-night refreshments, but wish to do so on certain occasions.

We’re here to help

It is best to submit a TEN, well in advance of the event. Contact us today if you need help with obtaining and submitting a TEN.

Make an enquiry