Vehicle Proprietors

Help with applications, complaints and appeals
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Assistance for Vehicle Proprietors

We offer the following services for vehicle proprietors. Please select from the below to find out more or make an enquiry.

Help with applications for obtaining a vehicle proprietor’s licence.
Help with complaints made against your vehicles.
Assistance with appealing against the imposition of penalty points on your licence.


If you want to set up a business to hire out licensed vehicles, then we can also assist you in obtaining a vehicle proprietor’s licence for every vehicle you wish to licence.

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This service will help and support to you if you or one of your licensed vehicles are the subject of a complaint either from the Council or one submitted to the Council.

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This service aids those licence holders, regulated by a Council which has a penalty points scheme, to appeal against the imposition of penalty points on their licence following some alleged indiscretion.

This service includes:

An initial discussion the Council case officer
A meeting with you to discuss the incident and agree a plan
Representing you at the appeal hearing at the Council offices
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